
Maybe you love the sound of your alarm clock blaring in the morning, heralding a new day full of joy and adventure. More likely, though, you don’t. If you prefer a more gentle wake-up (and have invested in some smart home technology), here’s some good news: Google Home now lets you use your Philips Hue […]

Google Home’s Philips Hue integration can now wake you up ...

This light makes the smarthome even more accessible. Installed as any other ceiling downlight,the June AI downlight features Amazon Alexa through an integrated JBL speakers. There’s a light in there too. The idea is great: make the smarthome invisible. Instead of having an Amazon Echo sitting on a table, this device sits in a person’s […]

Put Alexa and a JBL speaker in your ceiling with ...

4c40ead0bed725583c08ae9fa64b4790_original Good lighting can mean the difference between time for business and business time. That’s why Fluxo is so cool. This unique crowdfunded lightbulb can do all the color-changing magic you’re used to but can also cast light in various directions including up at the ceiling and at specific corners of the room. The light is surprisingly compact but features a number of LEDs that can… Read More

Fluxo Is A Lamp That Exhibits True Smarts