These robot vacuums are getting smarter

The latest robot vacuums have new tricks, like this Ecovacs model that lifts its mop 9mm off the floor. | Image: Ecovacs

Those of you concerned about artificially intelligent robots taking over the world should really be keeping an eye on robot vacuums. I swear these things are breeding. This week, two of the big brand names in the robotic floor cleaning space announced the latest, cheaper versions of their flagship robot vacuums: Ecovacs’ $1,099 Deebot T20 Omni and Roborock’s $1,299 S7 Max Ultra.

Roborock is also adding the $899.99 Q Revo to its midrange line, which does basically all the things its flagship model does for $400 less. All three models will be available to buy later this month. Earlier this year, Ecovacs added the budget Deebot N10 Plus, T9 Plus, and T10 Omni to its line. In January, Roborock launched its S8 series featuring the S8, S8...

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