Your Happy Hacking Keyboard deserves some fresh caps

A render of an HHKB-layout keyboard with brown and tan keycaps. The keycaps are spherical profile and have centered Gorton-like legends.
Ursa is a new keycap profile for Topre keyboards. I want it. | Render: FKCaps

Listen, I don’t want to be the guy who always posts about weird keyboard stuff. I have other interests. But I need to tell the dozens of Verge readers with Topre keyboards about these keycaps. Ursa is a new spherical doubleshot keycap profile for Topre that is available for group buy until May 15th.

Reactions to the previous sentence will likely fall into three camps:

  1. I recognize some of those words
  2. Already smashed that checkout button
  3. A keycap group buy? In 2024? In a new profile? For Topre boards? What could go wrong?

I am usually a group three, but today, I am in group two. If you’re in group one, here is what some of those words mean. Topre keyboards, like the Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional, use different switches than...

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