Steven Aquino

 People like to point to 1989’s Back to the Future II as presciently showing technologies that exist today. Video conferencing, for example, was futuristic 28 years ago, but people FaceTime all the time nowadays. The film even predicted the Chicago Cubs would win a World Series, which (finally!) happened last season in seven games against Cleveland. Read More

The pleasure and the pain of the accessible smart home

iphone-6s-plus-4 With each passing year, Apple releases a new iPhone. And with each passing year, I’m faced with the question of upgrading. On one hand, I want to be practical and save money. My phone still works great and runs the latest version of iOS without limitation, so it’s not imperative that I upgrade. On the other hand, the nerd in me wants the new phone for all the new functionality… Read More

The Accessibility Of The iPhone 6s