Commercial Drones Commercially operated autonomous drones may be on the horizon, especially since Google and Amazon have announced plans to start drone-based parcel delivery in 2017. A policy problem is likely to follow: allocation of scarce airspace and preferred flight paths — an issue complicated by the need to ensure that each drone’s flight is safe and that each flight-path segment stays… Read More

Regulating drone airspace using ‘smart markets’

Commercial Drones Commercially operated autonomous drones may be on the horizon, especially since Google and Amazon have announced plans to start drone-based parcel delivery in 2017. A policy problem is likely to follow: allocation of scarce airspace and preferred flight paths — an issue complicated by the need to ensure that each drone’s flight is safe and that each flight-path segment stays… Read More

Regulating drone airspace using ‘smart markets’

Lily drone Self-driving drone Lily has had quite the success in sales and it’s not even on the market yet. The startup pulled in a whopping $34 million in pre-orders by the end of 2015, with 60,000 units already sold. While that’s not as massive as Apple Watch pre-sales (1.2 million sold in the first day), it’s still a pretty good indicator Lily is onto something. The little flying bot… Read More

Lily, A Camera Drone That Automatically Follows You, Pulls In ...