
Last week’s hack of over 100 very high-profile Twitter accounts did in fact expose the direct messages of many of those accounts, the company admitted today — including those of an elected official in the Netherlands. The attack saw numerous popular accounts of celebrities and politicians taken over and tweeting a very obvious Bitcoin scam […]

Twitter admits hackers accessed DMs of dozens of high-profile accounts

 A day after the world got confused whether or not the Switch was truly hacked a group of programmers have released Pegaswitch, a “toolkit” that allows for limited code execution, allowing users to execute some unsigned code on the Switch. To be clear, this is not a full jailbreak but instead a proof-of-concept that could lead to a jailbreak. “It allows you to call… Read More

Pegaswitch is an easy exploit toolkit for the Nintendo Switch

Adobe_Dropbox_iPad (3) Dropbox disclosed earlier this week that a large chunk of its users’ credentials obtained in 2012 was floating around on the dark web. But that number may have been much higher than we originally thought. Credentials for more than 60 million accounts were taken, as first reported by Motherboard and confirmed by TechCrunch sources. The revelation of a password breach at Dropbox is an… Read More

Dropbox employee’s password reuse led to theft of 60M+ user ...

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAiDAAAAJDQ4ODQxZjM5LTU0ZDktNDE2ZC1iM2QwLWM5ZTcyZmM1ODI2Mw Whoda thunk it? Tourist/cybersecurity expert Benjamin Tedesco was hanging out in Vienna when he walked up to an ATM. Because he trusts no one he decided to give the reader a little tug and came away with a working skimmer designed to look exactly like the card slot on the original machine. “It pays to be paranoid,” he said — and he’s right. Tedesco pulled off the… Read More

ATM skimmer caught in the wild by a real security ...