
twitter-bird-space1 It’s a function of Twitter’s largely unfiltered feed. It zips by so quickly that even great content can get lost. Your closest friends and sparring partners might easily miss your tweets. And unless you have some level of offline celebrity or an online soapbox, you might never gain enough followers to get your tweets seen before they’re pushed down the timeline. The result… Read More

Twitter Found Love In A Fave-Less Place

hearts-for-stars1 Twitter’s making changes and nothing is sacred. Today’s change, while not as dramatic as making tweets editable or more than 140 characters, is definitely something that you’ll notice. The stars are out. So is the word they represent…”favorite.” In? Hearts. And the word “like.” Vine’s getting hearts too, so the smiley faces are out.… Read More

Twitter And Vine Choose Hearts Over Stars And Smileys