Daily Archives: March 28, 2018

Festo's flashy biomimetic robots are more or less glorified tech demos, but that doesn't mean they aren't cool. The engineering is still something to behold, although these robot critters likely won't be doing any serious work. Its latest units move in imitation of two unusual animals: a tumbling spider and a flying fox (think big bat).

Festo’s latest bio-inspired creations are a robo-bat and rolling robo-spider

A report by CSOOnline presented the possibility that Microsoft would be able to ban “offensive language” from Skype, Xbox, and, inexplicably, Office. The post, which cites Microsoft’s new terms of use, said that the company would not allow users to “publicly display or use the Services to share inappropriate content or material (involving, for example, […]

Microsoft can ban you for using offensive language

Convincing humans to buy products is a massive business called marketing, and few areas of marketing are growing as fast as influencer marketing. Influencers on platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube can command prodigious fees based on their audience size and engagement: some data suggests that a single video on YouTube by a top influencer […]

Princeton study finds very few affiliate marketers make required disclosures ...