
The Nintendo Switch’s ability to quickly transition from portable to home console is definitely one of its major selling points, but Nintendo’s official dock never really made much sense with the portable nature of the Switch itself. Luckily, third-party accessory maker Genki created the Covert Dock, a device no larger than a smartphone USB charger […]

Genki’s Covert Dock is the perfect dock for the Nintendo ...

That moment when you drop your phone and everything stops. You can hear your heart beat — the buzz of the world around you is silenced — all cognition stops — you see as if in slow motion the pirouette of your $700 piece of electronics towards the cement. How will it land? Will you get lucky this time? Or is this it? But if you had this case on it, you'd then see it spring horns and land with a jaunty bounce.

This clever case pops open to protect your phone when ...

 The only thing I hate more than schlepping around electronics is schlepping around accessories and dongles for those electronics. And even when I’m not traveling it’s still hard to organize everything in one place and resist the temptation to just throw all my cables into a drawer. Which is exactly why my interest was piqued when I saw Bento Stack. It’s a stacking case… Read More

Bento Stack is a bento box for your Apple accessories