
 I’ve been following the multiple “easy” brewing systems available online for a while now and have never found one that truly spoke to me. Devices like the Minibrew seem great but price and shipping problems have always kept them out of my boozy little hands. So, rather than wait for the perfect automatic system, I decided to look at the Catalyst Fermentation System, a $199… Read More

A month with the Catalyst Fermentation System

Window_Game-ed The the movie in which Robert DeNiro plays an intern venerated appliance brand Whirlpool is spreading its wings, dusting out the cobwebs, and crowdfunding a freaking beer maker. The product, called Vessi, ferments and dispenses suds and even has a system for reducing and managing sediment. The system comes from W Labs, Whirlpool’s skunkworks, and is part of Indiegogo’s… Read More

Whirlpool crowdfunds a beer maker